Read the Docs Modification & Troubleshooting


Hands-on: Modification

You'll need a copy of your docs tied to your GitHub repo if you don't already have one.

  1. Sign into GitHub.
  2. Go to your Forked version of our sample repository. Forks of an original repo can be found by clicking the number next to Fork in the top right of the repo.
  3. Click Clone or Download and then Open in Desktop.
  4. Within GitHub Desktop there should be an Open in Visual Studio Code button. Click that button.
  5. Within Visual Studio Code, update the file with your neighbor's name.
    • Bonus: Use **bold**, *italics*, - bullets, and 1. numbered lists. Remember the Markdown Cheatsheet.

Hands-on: Add a maintainer

  1. Log into with your GitHub account.
  2. Click your name in the top right corner to go to My Projects.
  3. Click your Read the Docs Project.
  4. Click the Admin tab.
  5. On the left menu click Maintainers.
  6. Here you can add maintainers to your Read the Docs Project by typing in their Read the Docs User account name.

Demo: Troubleshooting

Documentation site-breaking problems are usually confined to the mkdocs.yml YAML file. To publish new content:

  1. Make and save edits.
  2. Stage your edits.
  3. Commit your edits.
  4. Push your commit.
  5. Go to your Project inside the Builds tab.
  6. Click on the newest build.
  7. Watch your docs build in real-time.

Note: If your edited docs look like they haven't changed even though you know you've changed them and the build has completed, try a different browser or an "Incognito Browser" mode to see newer edits.

Discussion: What are some site-breaking things you can guess?

Problems I have run into:

  • Incorrectly named mkdocs.yaml instead of the correct name, mkdocs.yml.
  • Incorrectly spelled keys in mkdocs.yml.
  • Special characters in pages: names.
  • Incorrectly named or incorrectly placed .md files in mkdocs.yml.
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