DIY Documentation Websites

Do It Yourself

This workshop documentation itself is a site. It has Pages on the left side, page level Table of contents on the right side, a Search bar in the top right, and Previous/Next navigation along the bottom.

There is a glossary at the end for some common terms used throughout this workshop content.

Workshop Agenda

  1. (5 min) Meet your Neighbor
  2. (20 min x4) 4 Lessons: lecture + hands-on + review
    • Motivation for documentation & workshop software setup
    • The Magic of Markdown & the Markdown Cheatsheet
    • Read the Docs Setup & Publish
    • Read the Docs Modification & Troubleshooting
  3. (5 min) Open Questions

Meet Your Neighbor

Take 5 minutes to:

  1. Introduce yourself and what brought you here today
  2. Talk about either the best or worst online documentation you know of and why you feel that way about it